Monday, April 29, 2019

My Education Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Education Process - Essay ExampleMy education process has illuminated the item that education can change an individual. The skills and knowledge acquired empowers a person and can acquire a chisel in his area of study and thus earn a living. Moreover, interaction with many individuals who share antithetic perspectives earns one different attitude that affects ones way of thinking and executing issues. I induce been up to(p) to be more tolerant of other peoples values and beliefs thanks to education. I have been able to live beyond the values indoctrinated in me by my family background.Education is a process that comes with many experiences. I have witnessed many events and deeds that have turned as of public interest.My interaction with teachers has always come with issues that go beyond the classroom. Having the documentary Capturing the Friedmans into account, one would realize that both teachers and learners are vulnerable to experiences that would change their lives forev er. In this detail context, we learn that some learners go through sexual abuse, a crime that Arnold Friedman is accused of committing(Jareck, 2003). While tenet computer lessons, this teacher takes advantage of the learners and records some child pornography as alleged. The imprisonment of the Friedmans sheds some silly on the many elements that are characterized by the education process. Ones education process is a life commitment that is characterized by knowledge, skills, new attitudes, beliefs, values, and habits that define his personality.

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